09 October 2011

Comic Relief

Being fairly recently potty-trained Asher is just now starting to put his underwear back by himself after he has taken care business. Hallelujah! Sometimes he tucks his shirt into his underwear and walks around the house like "What? Doesn't everyone do this?" I try not to react to it because I don't want him to stop getting himself dressed but seriously it is so funny.


Emily said...

Good for him! It takes my kids like 2 yearsvto figure that out.

Nicole said...

Yeah I told her give it 6 months or more before they figure out you do not have to take off all of your clothes on the bottom half every time you go to the bathroom. Drove me crazy too. Love that kid and all of his funny things he says and does. (whoah that was crazy for a minute (ok ten seconds) I sat her saying does, does, how do I spell does?, thank goodness it came to me. I hope I am not the only one that this happens to.)

Maren B said...

Lookin' good, Asher. You tuck that shirt into those tighty-whiteys!