26 October 2012

Our Cruise

This post is dedicated to Maren Brinkerhoff who has motivated me to blog again, even though sometimes what I say will be sad. BUT, this post is NOT sad. It's a goodie.

In case you are on the edge of your seats waiting to hear about it, here it is... the cruise post. We had so much fun! I thought for sure I'd get sea sick, but I never did! Poor Sheldon did though. It was the first time I'd ever seen him puke EVER in 7 years. I actually got a twisted feeling of gratification out of him being the one puking for once and not me.... anyway back to the cruise. So after the initial sickness wore off we were able to just completely and totally relax. It was amazing! We didn't have the internet or the use of our cell phones, which was great! It was the perfect escape. I think that is the draw to going on a cruise (that and it is probably the least expensive way to travel to all these different countries). The food was OK, not great. The entertainment was awesome on some nights, other nights we could have skipped it. The beaches were gorgeous! We were able to get a bit of a tan (which in Washington means we stood out like sore thumbs!) We were so white when we got there that people made a few comments to us. Even at the end of the cruise someone told me I didn't really get very brown. BUT the second we got home everyone was telling us how tan we looked. It was hilarious! I guess that's what happens when the majority of the people on your ship are from Miami land of eternal sun and tanning salons. We learned so much about what we call the "cruise culture" which incidentally I could write a book about because believe me, there is a cruise culture!

Overall we just feel so grateful that were able to go and have such a wonderful memorable vacation. We are also so grateful to my parents who took care of Asher for us while we were gone for 11 days!

Here are some pics:

Enjoying the warm ocean. It was so fun!



More errrr.... shopping.

Dogs everywhere!

St. Kitts (one of my faves)

We met this great couple who we ended up spending a lot of time with. We stayed in the same hotel in Miami the night before we boarded the ship. We kept running into them and found out they are what we affectionately called the "Career Cruisers". Such nice people. 


Emily said...

11 days! I am aching for a warm cruise. My In laws just did one to Alaska. Pretty, but I want ocean. You look sooo cute in that ocean picture., love your swimming suit.

Maren B said...

YOU BLOGGED! And dedicated it to me. I feel like a movie star. And we're looking into a cruise as a family reunion trip so this is hilarious to me. I'm jealous of your white tan.