29 June 2010

Goodbye to cast, hello to maceration....

If you don't know what maceration is you probably don't want to Google it because it's disgusting.

We are incredibly blessed and happy however, that Asher was able to have his cast sawed off yesterday. Yes, they used a little saw (I don't know how else they would do it, but still it was a bit frightening). Asher had to wear these mini headphone things to help block out the noise. He wasn't really a fan of the sawing, but he survived. I never thought I would be so happy to see a leg in all my life. Sheldon and I kept touching his leg last night because we missed it so much. That may sound weird, but it was just very comforting to see Asher in his full-form again.

He has a skin maceration on his heel. When they took the cast off it smelled SOOOOO bad, mainly because his skin had been starting to rot in there. Yeah, disgusting. I felt so bad for him. He has really sweaty feet so I think that may be why it happened, but really there is no way of knowing. Anyway I was kinda freaking out about it but after we washed and exfoliated his leg and foot the skin looked MUCH better. And today I can already see a noticeable difference in his heel. Thank goodness. The doctor still wants him to come back in two weeks so he can check on it, but I feel confident that it will be fine.

He still hasn't walked yet. They warned me he would probably take a couple days to start walking again and in my naivety I dismissed the warning. "They don't know my boy" I thought, 'He'll be running around as soon as he gets the chance." Nope. He is definitely guarding his leg and puts very little, if any weight on it. He mostly crawls around. It's amazing how instinctive our bodies are. It's a beautiful thing to think about how he has gone from a broken leg to a healed leg in a matter of weeks. And his skin maceration has made enormous strides toward recovery in just 24 hours. I don't think we'll be visiting the park any time soon (since that's where he got hurt) but I'm sure he'll be running around getting into all kinds of stuff before we know it.


Lisa said...

We are glad that things are getting back to normal, if that is a good thing. Hopefully there will not be any more trips to the er for a while. When we first moved to this house I was annoyed that there were absolutely no trees planted on the property anywhere. Now that we have been camping in the redwoods and have found out that Blake can scale a redwood tree with no problem, I realize this no tree thing is a blessing in disguise. Somehow we were prepared for "Climber" without even knowing it. I am grateful that we only have baby trees that will not support his weight because this has aided in fewer disasters.

Liz said...

No cast.. hooray!
Maceration... ew.